Where Are You?

Are you hiding?  Are you afraid?  

What are you hiding from?  Are you ashamed?  Who told you to be ashamed?

In Genesis 3 after Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil their eyes were opened.  At that moment they became painfully aware of fear, shame and guilt and they hid themselves from God.  Imagine what it must have been like for Adam and Eve to walk with God.  To not live a life based on right and wrong and to live without fear, anxiety, guilt, and shame. To just be in God’s presence and to know all things as good.  To walk side by side and be in the midst of the garden.  But the word says that after they had eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil their eyes were opened and they hid,  afraid and ashamed. They hid from the One that created them and had breathed life into them.  They hid from God.  

How many of you can relate all too well, being painfully aware of the overwhelming feelings of fear, guilt, and shame in your lives?  How many seem to see those things with perfect 20/20 vision?  Is it your past, or your present, or both that keeps you in hiding?  So, again, I ask, are you afraid?  what are you hiding from?  Are you ashamed?  What are you ashamed of and who told you to be ashamed?  Have you ever wondered why we hide, why we are afraid and why we are ashamed?  It’s because of this account in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Genesis 3:8  And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
Genesis 3:9  But the LORD God called to the man and said to him,  “Where are You?”
So where are you hiding?  Because God is looking for you.  He is calling out to you and is asking you to come out from wherever you are hiding and from whatever you are hiding behind.  
Genesis 3:10  Man said,  “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.”  

And God said “Who told you that you were naked?  Fear and shame caused these two to hide from God.  I would suggest that many of you who may read this are doing the same thing.  But God is crying out to you saying “Where are you!?” 

If you have been hiding from God or have never really completely surrendered your life to Him.  Surrender! Say I’ve had enough of this hiding and enough of living with shame, guilt, and fear.  I desire to walk with you and commune with you.  To live the life that you have for me and not a life separated from you. God is not ashamed of you!  God loves you and desires to have an intimate relationship with you.  So it’s our prayer that you would cry out in this moment and say here I am LORD.  Here I am. Cry out to the one who longs to have a relationship with you.  The one who created you. The one who sent His only son Jesus Christ to walk this earth and to die on a cross, bearing the weight of all of our sins and putting sin to death for all that come to Him and accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior. He did this to reverse the effects of what was done in disobedience in the garden and to bring us out of death and in to everlasting life the way that he intended it to be in the garden.  Jesus died and was raised to life again defeating sin and death so that you no longer have to live in fear.  You no longer have to live in shame, and you no longer have to live buried under the weight and burden of guilt.  So in this moment cry out to God and say “Here I am.”  Say “Here I am Lord, I want to be found,  I am sorry that I was hiding.  I don’t ever want to hide from you again. It’s my hearts desire to turn from sin by surrendering my life to you!"
We pray and believe that some of you who will read this will make the most important decision of your life by coming out of hiding and surrendering your life to Jesus.  We are so excited for those of you who do and are praying for you.  We would love to hear your testimonies and to connect and celebrate with you.  Remember you were made by the Kingdom,  for the Kingdom,  for such a time as this.  You are Kingdom Made!

Please message us at multiplyseed@gmail.com or find us on instagram or Facebook with any questions or comments.

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