

At this tumultuous juncture in history nearly half of the Earth's population, still have never heard the greatest story ever told.  The story of our slain and risen savior King.  

“Every day, every hour, every minute, men and women the world over live and die in the
greatest poverty of all.  The poverty of the soul.  And here in lies the greatest frontier of all.
The great expanse of the unreached and unengaged.”(1)

We believe heaven is calling Pioneers; men and women who will risk all to go.   Men and women willing to go where few or none have gone.  Men and women who lead eternally driven lives.  Men and women willing to walk in obedience to the Lord in order to radically and eternally impact the course of history for peoples, nations, tribes and tongues; and we want to be among them, by life or by death. Although we didn’t pen the words quoted above, they live inside of us, they cry out from our bones, and they drive us like Elijah to sacrifice all that we have and to GO and to leave our former lives behind.  For us there is no turning back!  
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