Fire House Structure

A long gathering table sits in the midst of the house waiting for the crew to return from the most recent emergency call where they had to dig deep, Each one contributing their knowledge, training, skills, gifts, talents and abilities to strengthen and undergird eachother for a purpose outside of themselves. They are many but they function as one body, one unit, and one team to accomplish the work that lays before them. After the call they return to the firehouse physically and mentally exhausted but thier work is not complete. Before they can rest or eat they must first make sure everything is back in order and squared away, always ready for the next call that could come at any minute. After everything is back in order they wash up and make their way into the kitchen where they will all share in the responsibility to make dinner for the family and when dinner is done they gather round table and break bread together.  Around this table they laugh, they cry, they wrestle and they struggle with one another and they work things out.  There is no substitute for the bonds that are formed by co-laboring in the field and breaking bread at the table.  

The Chief and Commander of the house is non other than Jesus.  He is the ultimate authority over all matters in both the field, and concerning life in the house, and we are to submit to his leadership in all things.  To do so we must familiarize ourselves with his policies and procedures to the point that they become a part of who we are. We must understand the plan and we must understand the values of the house that we are a part of.  We must understand where we have come from and know where we are headed, and we must be willing to follow him wherever he goes even if it costs us everything.  He will walk with us as like a friend, he will provide discipline, direction and correction like a father, and he will also lead us and command us as one who commands and rules over nations.  We must follow him in faith, trust, and obedience, and worship him in spirit and in truth as living sacrifices no matter what the cost.  He leads by example and is not requiring anything of us that he himself has not already done or is willing to do.  He himself did not love his own life unto death. Will you follow Him?  Will you be a part of an end times firehouse type church? Will you continue to pray for this firehouse church to arise and will you take practicle steps towards being this kind of church? 

The Firehouse structure simultaneously operates within the family and military context, and the structure and order that flows from this type of environment serves as a remarkable illustration of how God's people can effectively operate within these dual contexts. The firehouse church will operate both as a family and a military unit in the days that lay ahead.  


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